Vision Trip 2014

Thoughts by Susan Kay

Spending time at the Victory School in 2014 was an introduction to a world unknown to me. My first impression of driving into Bwindi, a small town with no electricity or paved streets and seeing the Victory School was a stark comparison to America.

The school consisted of several primitive buildings, no electricity, books, computers or any of the amenities that we take for granted. At that time the 4 year-old classroom was crowded with way too many children sitting on a dirt floor contentedly, not complaining or crying.

As we toured the classrooms that day, I was amazed at how well behaved, orderly and respectful they were. Much like our children, some were outgoing with bright smiles, while other were quieter and more subdued, yet they all seemed to exude a positive, respectful attitude. They were excited to be in school learning with peers, having three healthy meals a day in their new uniforms, while other children were roaming the streets barely dressed, searching for food and comfort. It was pure joy seeing their excitement and wonder as we photographed them with iPhones and iPads, as if these were miracle instruments producing their pictures and videos.

When I think of these precious children, a part of me wishes our children in America could go back to a more simplistic way of life, but then I realize they live in a world of hunger, poverty and unthinkable living conditions. This is the reason why the Victory School is a bright beacon of hope and change for these precious children.