Vision Trip 2015
Thoughts by Anne Jarvis
Prior to going to Uganda in 2015 I had traveled to foreign countries and had also participated in mission trips but visiting Victory School was truly life changing for me. I realize it was so emotionally impactful because I was able to cross the globe and meet in person the children I was sponsoring and have a real connection with them and their classmates. I got to witness firsthand the extremely impoverished conditions these children live in and the overwhelming need in their community and country for proper nutrition, education, health services and job opportunities. The main goal for our trip was to organize children’s reading books that had taken seven months to travel by shipping crate and then cross the African continent to get to Biwindi, Uganda. Those books represented to me the dedication and faithfulness of sponsors and donors to Victory School and the Kamukama Foundation that provide an education to children in such a remote and primitive part of the world. During my stay at Victory School I was amazed at how the children and their parents were so resilient and joyful. A major takeaway for me from my time spent at Victory School was that with having so few material goods and resources that these children and the community they live in have a strong faith, they are happy to be alive each day and willing to share with one another. My journey to Uganda solidified my desire to be a global citizen and changed my heart. I encourage others to be a sponsor and share a quote I heard that applies to assisting Victory School-“you never know when you will be the answer to someone else’s prayer”.